Cleaning during the holiday season can be stressful and overwhelming. Entertaining a house full of guests takes a lot of work, and I know from personal experience, cleaning for all of the excitement during the holiday season is my least favorite chore on my list! That's why I'm sharing my tips and tricks for holiday cleaning in a 3-part series!
Part 1 - Daily Cleaning!
It's always easier to stay on top of housework when you have a cleaning routine. Some people like daily, weekly or monthly routines. I find for me, a weekly routine works best. This routine doesn't get down to the nitty gritty, on you hands and knees with a brush scrubbing the kitchen floor kind of cleaning. Instead, it takes care of the everyday, maintenance cleaning to keep a clean and tidy house. If your home is already clean and tidy when you start the holiday cleaning, it lessens the blow for those deep cleaning days!

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This is what works for me! I tackle a section of my house each day of the week, along with my daily tasks. This routine as proven effective for my household, and I've even gotten Michael on board to help! SCORE! The best part about this schedule, it's editable! If I don't get around to cleaning the living room because I have an FRG meeting, or cheerleading practice, then I can do it tomorrow. If Wednesday's are busy days for you, and you can't commit the time needed to the kitchen, switch it out for another day. It's easy!
Part 2 coming tomorrow!