Painted Glass Jars!


I have a total obsession with collecting glass jars and doing absolutely nothing with them. They sit in a cabinet waiting for the day they will be transformed into something fabulous and that day never seems to come, until lately!

As I was scanned Pinterest I found a tutorial for how to paint the INSIDE of glass jars. I have seen this before but it never really got me excited until recently. Michael and I are redecorating and I love anything handmade, original, or crafty, so I put my glass jars to good use.

Aren't these fabulous?!
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to create these jars
1. Find glass jars. Any jar will work.
*I used old pickle jars, but mason jars work fabulously as well!*
2. Pour in some paint. Be generous with your amount, but don't be wasteful. You only need enough paint to cover the inside of the jar.
3. Roll the jars around a bit. The goal here is to coat the entire inside of the jar with a layer of whatever color of paint you have chosen. Make sure to COMPLETELY cover the inside of the jar.
 *I used a sponge to paint around the rim of my jar to prevent bubbles or rough spots.*
4. Pour out the excess paint. Be sure to smooth over the rim of your jars again!

5. Let dry. 24 hours is a good amount of time, but depending on the size and shape of your jar, it could take more or less time. Use your best judgment.

6. Accessorize!
*For my jars, rapped in a raspberry colored raffia.*

TA-DA! You've created your very own (very cute!) accessory for your home. Fill with flowers or use for extra storage, whatever works for your home!

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