Happy 2013!


Today is the first day of 2013, and like many of you, we are making our New Year's Resolutions.

Our Resolutions for Our Family
  1. Eat better - I'm sure 1 million other people have made the exact same resolution, but Michael and I are bringing a baby into the world and we both agree that we do not want him to pick up on our eating habits, so we have chosen to set a good example!
  2. Be More Thankful! - When we moved to Germany, we had a really hard time adjusting to the change and we were so miserable in the beginning, but we have slowly come around in 2012, and we have vowed to be thankful for the opportunities that we have been given instead of focusing on the things that we do not have.
  3. Create a budget AND stick to it! - Michael and I have always had a budget, since we have been married, but we have always struggled sticking to it, but this year we are motivated to stick to our budget and set healthy financial examples for our son.
  4. Focus on our marriage - Michael and I recently celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary, and with all the things that go on in our lives it can be difficult to spend some quality time together, so this year we would like to designate 1 day a week to "date night" (and actually go on a date!)

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